Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sometimes I Fail at Being an Adult and Am Ok With It

     So, today I had big plans.  Ok, that's a filthy lie.  I didn't have BIG plans.  I just had plans to clean and do homework.  But, in all honesty, I REALLY needed to clean and do homework because I'm out of clean bowls and my apartment smells like old lentil soup because of the dirty bowls and I need to read the four papers from last week that I only skimmed so I can write a paper on them.  So, in terms of importance, this day was big.
     What really happened is that I sat in my rocking chair and did...something.  I don't really remember what I did but my computer was up so probably I sat and looked at stuff on the interwebs for a long time.  This happens a lot this whole I do something that is not important for hours at a time at the expense of important things.  The best way to do this is with Little Smokies, but the last time I was at the store they were out of Little Smokies and I was all "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!  WHAT IS THE POINT OF CIVILIZATION????????" so no  tiny hot dogs today.  Luckily, last night I got crispy noodles with chicken and veggies from IPPA in Cedar Falls (go there.  it is good.) so I would randomly microwave a small portion of that and nom down on it while doing stupid pointless stuff.  All that has been accomplished today is that laundry got done which is good because this girl was in dire need of important things like pants, underwear, and socks.
     So, yeah.  Today has been a lot of internet surfing and watching random movies and HGTV.  I did write about three sentences of my four page paper and they were really important sentences so that's pretty much a win.  Then I started reading other people's blogs and got lost in that and decided to be all like "meh...homework...whatevs..." and opened a bottle of cranberry wine.  We'll see how far I get on that bottle tonight.  At this point I kind of have to drink it because I fail at opening bottles of wine and broke the cork off so now I have nothing to put in the bottle if I want to stop drinking it and there are little bits of cork floating in the wine.
     I promise, I started writing this post with a serious train of thought but forgot what it was now it's pretty much gone and this entire post is mindless rambling.  I've been doing that a bit today.  Like, I went to open the wine and brought my glass that I had been drinking water out of to pour wine in.  Opened the bottle of wine (eventually), looked over, and was all "Holy crap!  There's a glass all ready and waiting here!" like it was something fortuitous even though I had consciously decided to use my water glass for my wine and then forgot in about 45 seconds.  Anywho, it's probably time to wrap this post up being as it has no point to begin with.  Here's a pic of my failure! :)  Criminy, in the five minutes it took to spew these words out I drank a glass of wine.
*Note:  It has been commented that my blog is called "The Wandering Molly" and that, thus far, there has been very little in the way of wandering.  First of all, I can't just go whipping out my camera and snapping pictures everywhere I go.  That's rude, people.  Secondly, it's winter and I am a grad student busy with homework.  Like a groundhog, I will venture into the world and wander more when it's warm outside and when finals are over.  That is all.
**Note:  That is NOT all.  My ears are stuffed up and echoing.  So when I was eating chocolate chips it sounded like Godzilla was munching on rocks.  I have decided that Godzilla is awesome and, therefore, I am awesome.  And I should actually fill my allergy med prescription so my ears don't get stuffed up.  That is all.


  1. I am once again laughing like a crazy person alone in my apartment. And way to both knock back wine like a champ *and* reference Godzilla.
